Stay in touch

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact the following steering committee members can be contacted:

Furthermore for ideas regarding the PEIAA news letter you can write to this email:

Help keeping the alumni database updated!

Updating form

Here you can download the update form; you can help the association in keeping a 'living data base' if you send as soon as possible your address/email/business data variations.


It would be very appreciated if you could name the updated document in the following manner:


Please send the updated file attached to an email, addressed to

As soon as our web site will offer a login prompt and secure access via individual password, you will be able to update the form by your own, upload your photos from the "old good times", etc ; the community will be informed when this facility will be implemented.

"Living data base" descentralization action

If you have updated information about the colleagues of your residence region or country of origin, please enroll to become a moderator so that the association can send you a list of missing alumni names.

Nowadays, the community portion which is 'reachable' by email is approximately 1/8th of the whole PII-EII 'generations', and this number is not stable, since people continuously change email address without informing us. Let's work together to reach as many people as possible and to keep each other aware and actively participating in our international group's activities.


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Click here to join peiaa @ Facebook
Click here to join PEIAA @ YAHOO!