PEIAA Conference Brazil - 2014

Presentations of the Speakers

  1. Opening Speech : "Eindhoven University of Technology – International University and home base of PEIAA" (3.5MB)
    Prof. Dr. Ir. Ton Backx, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering

  2. “A Career in Electronics Engineering” (0.2MB)
    Prof. Miguel Arjona Ramírez – PII - 81 , Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

  3. “Will IoT make humans redundant in 20 years? “
    Imran Qidwai, PII-76, Intel Corp, USA

  4. "Impact of PII on my life" (0.13MB), "Packet Networks Modelling by BCMP theorem" (0.43MB)
    Faruk Hadziomerovic, PII-68, Canada

  5. “Center for Research in Computer Vision Overview” (10.4MB)
    Dr. Mubarak Shah, PII-80 - Trustee Chair Professor - Director, CRCV - Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida, USA

  6. “Brazil in "BRICS" (14.5MB), 25 years after PII” (0.52MB)
    Rodolfo Gomes – PII-87 – NXP Semiconductors, Italy

  7. "Cloud computing is enabling new media, mobile, gaming, and healthcare applications”
    Bruno Kajiyama, PII-89, Photozig, Inc., USA (Video-chat)

  8. Key Note Speech : "Status of Engineering Education in Brazil" (3.3MB)
    Prof. Fernando Toshinori Sakane, PII-70, Vice-rector, and Dean of Electronic Engineering department, the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil

  9. "Incremental vs. Disruptive Innovations" (1.6MB)
    Carlos Baradello, PII-73, Sausalito Ventures, USA (Video-chat)

  10. “25 Years in The Communications Industry, from Philips Research to Value Added Services” (2.7MB)
    Martin Propato – PII-89, APEX Voice Communications, Argentine