PEIAA Conference Brazil - 2014
Presentations of the Speakers
- Opening Speech : "Eindhoven University of Technology – International University and home base of PEIAA" (3.5MB)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ton Backx, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering
- “A Career in Electronics Engineering” (0.2MB)
Prof. Miguel Arjona Ramírez – PII - 81 , Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
“Will IoT make humans redundant in 20 years? “
Imran Qidwai, PII-76, Intel Corp, USA
- "Impact of PII on my life" (0.13MB), "Packet Networks Modelling by BCMP theorem" (0.43MB)
Faruk Hadziomerovic, PII-68, Canada
- “Center for Research in Computer Vision Overview” (10.4MB)
Dr. Mubarak Shah, PII-80 - Trustee Chair Professor - Director, CRCV - Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida, USA
- “Brazil in "BRICS" (14.5MB), 25 years after PII” (0.52MB)
Rodolfo Gomes – PII-87 – NXP Semiconductors, Italy
"Cloud computing is enabling new media, mobile, gaming, and healthcare applications”
Bruno Kajiyama, PII-89, Photozig, Inc., USA (Video-chat)
- Key Note Speech : "Status of Engineering Education in Brazil" (3.3MB)
Prof. Fernando Toshinori Sakane, PII-70, Vice-rector, and Dean of Electronic Engineering department, the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
- "Incremental vs. Disruptive Innovations" (1.6MB)
Carlos Baradello, PII-73, Sausalito Ventures, USA (Video-chat)
- “25 Years in The Communications Industry, from Philips Research to Value Added Services” (2.7MB)
Martin Propato – PII-89, APEX Voice Communications, Argentine